Sports Scholarships An Insiders Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
where seldom used bathrooms were located and made my
way toward them. The hallway where these lavatories are
located had a bank of eight phones for student use during
school hours. As I approached the phone bank I recog-
nized the colossal afro of the Chicago blue chipper in the
first booth chatting animatedly on the phone and fac-
ing the phone booth on the far end of the phone bank. I
slowed down so that I might hear some of his conversation
and quickly realized he was talking not with his mother
or another family member, but with a college coach. The
college coach with whom he was talking was standing in
the phone booth on the other end of the phone bank.
The coach, now retired from an ACC institution, had and
still has a remarkable reputation for winning and ethics.
Despite them facing one another and discussing the pros-
pect’s recruitment, I guess he could deny that he’d met
the blue chipper that day they spoke over the phone from
separate phone booths. I know what I concluded; you can
decide for yourself. The prospect ended up playing at the
University of Illinois and had an unremarkable two years
in the NBA.

Quiet Period: Unofficial visits, official visits, home visits, let-

ters, and email allowed. This term and period can be quite
confusing. Coaches can have off-campus meetings with
you. Coaches can also evaluate you. And you can meet the
coach on the college campus. Some might say that’s not
very quiet.

Dead Period: Only letters, email, and coach-initiated calls

allowed. No coach/prospect personal contact anywhere.

164 The Sports Scholarships Insider’s Guide

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