Sports Scholarships An Insiders Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Official Visits can begin on the first day of your senior classes.
Refer to your NCAA Guide for the College-Bound Student

Athlete to be certain that you are complying with the NCAA

Recruiting Guidelines.

Too many seniors believe that if they haven’t been recruited

early in their senior year that the opportunity for successful

recruitment has passed them by. Drawing this conclusion is

a colossal error! Remember the section on Recruiting Depth

Charts? You may well have been on some depth charts. As

coaches determine which prospects on their individual depth

charts will (or can) be offered financial aid, it causes others on

the depth chart to fall lower or even off the chart completely.

If you know that you are on one or more depth charts (you did

ask when you were speaking to coaches, “Where am I on your

recruiting depth chart?” didn’t you?) and have fallen too low

to be offered athletic financial aid, ask the coach this question:

“Coach, do you know of a lower level program that might be

interested in me?” After signing day, Division I-AA, Division

II, and Division III coaches inundate higher level programs

in all sports, asking if they know of an athlete who would be

a prospect for their program. Most Division II programs and

some Division III programs are populated by athletes who were

at one time on Division I depth charts. If you were holding out

hope for a Division I offer that didn’t come through, contact

the Division II or III programs that appeared to be a good fit

during your research. In most cases, you can anticipate posi-

tive results. While you should begin your personal exposure

recruiting activities suggested in the previous chapters early in

your high-school career, that certainly doesn’t mean that you

can’t or won’t be recruited during your senior year. The truth

is that 80 percent of all college recruiting decisions are made

How Do I Contribute to My Future Success? 165

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