Sports Scholarships An Insiders Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

166 The Sports Scholarships Insider’s Guide

after January 1 of your senior year. The wise prospect never
gives up! Unless, of course, you make the unfortunate decision
to “walk on.”

  • Meet with your counselor during the first month of
    school. Review your transcript to be certain you will meet
    the NCAA Initial Eligibility Center requirements.

  • Meet with your coach. Ask his/her advice about improving
    your chances to continue your athletic career in college
    and recommendations for schools to consider.

  • Begin mailing college applications.

  • You have three more National Testing Days for the ACT/
    SAT. Take the test until you are satisfied that you have
    attained your best score. And, if you haven’t made a ver-
    bal commitment, don’t despair. As
    I said before, 80 percent of college
    programs make their recruiting deci-
    sions after January 1 of a prospect’s
    senior year.
    How do you continue to prepare?
    By committing to yourself, every day,
    that you will be the best student and
    the best athlete you can be. How
    can you accomplish that? You must
    think, hustle, study, practice, concen-
    trate, persist, focus, and win. You must
    always believe in yourself. Remember:
    winners never quit and quitters never
    Usually when a book of this type
    ends, the reader is wished good luck.



Tr uT h Is

Luck will have

very, very little

to do with your



recruited. Luck

will also have little

to do with your

success and

fulfillment as

an adult.

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