Sports Scholarships An Insiders Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

170 The Sports Scholarships Insider’s Guide

academically qualified prospects using its state-of-the-art

Recruit-Match Program. NCSA redefines collegiate recruiting,

having pioneered the “College Recruiting 101” workshops

that utilize speakers who are recruiting experts—each with

a remarkable personal story, owning comprehensive knowl-

edge of the recruiting process and possessing impressive

backgrounds in sports media, collegiate coaching (of which I

am one), or collegiate and professional football or basketball.

At this writing, it has hosted over four thousand of these

immensely valuable workshops at high schools, combines,

clinics, tournaments, and camps. NCSA has developed the

highly praised Collegiate Power Rankings Chart. Scores based

on academics, athletics, and graduation rates are calculated

and ranked, enabling prospects to evaluate each college and

develop a comprehensive understanding of a sports scholar-

ship opportunity at any school.

Over 35,000 college coaches access NCSA’s streaming high-

light videos and recruiting data via email. It is the largest reli-

able source for college coaches to locate, identify, and evaluate

prospects. NCSA scouts for and recruits for more than 2,100—

and the list grows monthly—colleges and universities in

twenty-five sports. To learn more, log on to http://www.ncsasports.

org/saef-insidersguide. You will be directed to a landing page

available only to those who’ve read this book. If you can’t

undertake the exposure process described in this guide and

you need help to secure the athletic financial aid you want

and deserve, I’m confident you’ll be satisfied with the expert

assistance that you’ll receive from NCSA.

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