Sports Scholarships An Insiders Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

college athletic programs and the influence on college admin-

istrators that those donations create. Booster donors can be

found influencing institutions at every division level. Some

may say the foregoing is an exaggeration. The truth is, it’s

not. Because recruiting is so intense, vicious, and unfair, many

people get hurt along the way. It is unlikely that any coach

intentionally hurts a prospect, yet because of the mechanics of

the recruiting process and the high stakes involved, prospects

and their families get hurt.

As an example, if a coach follows the three to four prospects

for every position recommendation of Dave Kaplan’s Ultimate

Recruiting Seminar, a multi-day seminar designed to train col-

lege recruiters of high-school prospects, three of four prospects

for every recruited position are being strung along. I confess

that during the recruiting year 1998–1999, I strung along four

athletes while my number one choice considered which of

many offers she would accept. She accepted our program’s

offer late into the recruiting season. I then had to call the oth-

ers to tell them the bad news. You can imagine the response to

my apology and my offer that the prospect could walk on and

that I’d try to get them athletic aid the next year. Although

she and one of the other prospects that did walk on became

great friends, my ears continue to ring.

The Truth Is: You Are entering a high-Stakes

Contest Where Only the Opposition Knows

the Rules

You need to learn and effectively use the rules to provide your-

self a chance to win the recruiting contest. Can you imagine

participating in a game (infinitely more important than any

state championship) with unknown, non-understandable rules

Understanding the Recruiting Process 11

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