Sports Scholarships An Insiders Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

and that when you violate those secret rules you are severely

penalized? This is the quintessential picture and definition of

a tilted playing field. So, despite my best efforts, it is likely that

you will experience some pain. It goes with the territory. How-

ever, this book provides you with recruiting rules knowledge

along with the strategies, devices, and tools required to be suc-

cessfully recruited by a college with an academic program, an

athletic program, and a coach that is best for you.

First, by following The Sports Scholarship Insider’s Guide, you

will be found. Why? Because every college coach your profile

is sent to will know who you are, where you are, what you

can do, and what they can expect from you when you begin

competing in college. Many qualified prospects are overlooked

because coaches can’t be everywhere or see everything. You

cannot be overlooked.

Second, very few colleges have the budgets or the scouts to

be able to locate all the prospects who would be qualified to

compete in their program. It’s that simple. No college coach

can possibly know where every potential prospect for his or her

program is located.

The number of qualified prospects a coach learns about

depends on the size of the college, the program, interested

alumni, number of assistants, and the coach’s recruiting

budget. Coaches of small- and medium-sized colleges and

programs want to locate qualified prospects just as desper-

ately as coaches in larger institutions. Unfortunately, smaller

schools don’t have adequate budgets or personnel to compete.

They need help locating prospects. You, a qualified prospect,

need help being exposed to those coaches. By sending your

credentials, you provide them with the help they need and,

12 The Sports Scholarships Insider’s Guide

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