Sports Scholarships An Insiders Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

can. But often these coaches are forced to recruit with three

additional burdens placed on them:

  • The institution’s financial aid award packaging formula,

  • The recruiting objectives of the coach, and

  • The combined recruiting and enrollment philosophy of
    the institution for which they coach.

Colleges Operate Like Businesses

Most institutions use the awarding of financial aid as a tool to

encourage potential students to enroll at their college. Financial

aid is a powerful marketing tool used to remain or become com-

petitive in the bidding war among colleges for worthy students.

Fundamentally, here’s how it works: each institution creates

a budget (very few colleges publish theirs) that is required to

deliver the level of educational services desired by the institu-

tion’s administrators. The institution’s administration calculates

how much money is required to deliver the desired educational

services while keeping the college solvent. Generally, college

administrators fashion tuition policies to accomplish those two

interwoven objectives.

The money required to keep the college operating on

a sound financial basis comes from a number of different

sources. In addition to other sources of funding, the most

important source of funds related to the mission of this guide:

tuition, fees, room, board, and other expenses charged to stu-

dents enrolled in any college.

Most institutions calculate non-student funding resources

(i.e., endowment, state funds, if applicable, billable use of facili-

ties, donations, etc.) available to the institution in the fiscal

year. The amount of non-student funding is subtracted from

the budget. The remainder of the budget must be generated

16 The Sports Scholarships Insider’s Guide

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