Sports Scholarships An Insiders Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

from the tuition, fees, and other related charges from the col-

lege’s student body.

Generally, figures are calculated that define the number of

students required to enroll and what enrollment will cost the

students. The calculation of the number of students multiplied

by the cost per student is structured to allow the institution

to remain financially stable. For a number of reasons, some

understandable, others not so understandable, many colleges

announce inflated costs for attending the college for that year.

The final, inflated cost published by the institution is called

the “sticker price,” which is somewhat analogous to a new car

sticker price. In other words: sticker price = pretend price.

The largest groups of colleges that discount the sticker price

are private colleges with substantial sticker prices. Less expen-

sive private colleges provide less financial aid/discounted

tuition. Often state colleges and universities have their tuition

levels written into law. This type of restriction fundamentally

disallows the college from using the flexibility accorded to

the director of financial aid to use professional judgment,

which means that in the judgment of the financial aid direc-

tor a financial aid package can be adjusted based upon factors

regarded as important by the director. And that judgment is

not necessarily bound by the parameters of the institutions

recruiting or financial aid regulations, in order to discount

the “sticker price.” Most financial aid directors have remark-

able flexibility in deciding what’s important and how and

why to discount tuition and fees for any particular student.

However, state taxes help keep state college’s tuition lower

than most private schools and therefore constitute invisible

tuition discounts.

According to a College Board survey done during the

Recruiting and Financial Aid 17

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