Sports Scholarships An Insiders Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
2007–2008 school year, students attending four-year colleges
paid just $6,185 on average for tuition for the school year. So
don’t allow yourself to be intimidated by the “sticker prices.”
There is more than $130 billion, yes BILLION, in student aid
available. And over $1 billion of that aid is financial aid for
athletic ability. Is it possible that you don’t qualify for some
of that combined colossal amount of aid?
A U.S.News & World Report article, “America’s Best Colleges,”
which recommended methods for cutting the costs of col-
lege education stated, “And ‘pretend’ is the operative word.
There just aren’t enough people with
enough money. Nowadays, after
acceptance letters go out, a season of
souk-like haggling and price-cutting
begins. The actual cost of a private
college education is at least 30 per-
cent less than the ‘sticker price.’”
That is to say: $19,700 2 70 percent
= $13,790.
Apparently, the institution’s
administrators hope to attract as
many students who will pay the full tuition (known as “full-
freight” students) and other costs as possible. Those students
will then not only be paying for the cost of their education,
they also provide funds to help cushion the cost of enrolling
students who the administrators decide shouldn’t have to
pay or can’t afford to pay the full tuition and fees. The more
“full-freight” students a college can enroll, the more financial
aid flexibility the institution has, thus enabling it to provide
financial aid relief to those “can’t pay” and/or “shouldn’t have
to pay.”

18 The Sports Scholarships Insider’s Guide



Tr uT h Is

When colleges talk

about money, need

can mean many


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