Sports Scholarships An Insiders Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

according to the Department of Education’s computers. Usu-

ally financial need is determined by applying a formula to

the financial information that a student provides on the Free

Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form. Based on the

formula, needy students can be awarded financial aid in the

form of grants, work-study payments, and loans. All states

provide financial aid to needy students, usually in addition

to the federal aid. And if the financial aid director wants you

to have a larger discount because the college wants/needs you

(in your case, for your athletic ability), in his/her professional

judgment you just might be needier than first evaluated.

It’s important to remember that all federal and state need

based financial aid is based on the formula used in the FAFSA.

Need does not mean poverty status. The best advice for a FAFSA

applicant is to assume nothing. The FAFSA forms are available

after January 1. You can get the form from your high-school

guidance counselor, or you can download a form or complete

the form online at

Generally, state and federal funds are awarded to the enroll-

ing student, but paid directly to the college. Some colleges

offer their own grants or awards to students. Institutional

grants are based on a college’s own unique formula, called

institutional methodology, for awarding financial aid. This

money comes directly from the institution’s own financial aid

budget and not from the state or federal government. Accord-

ing to the College Board, $130 billion in financial aid was

available for students in the school year 2007–2008. That’s

a record. New numbers from the Department of Education

project that overall financial aid to students will be more than

$83 billion in 2008. That will equal about 60 percent of all

awarded financial aid. But, the 2008 Annual Report on College

20 The Sports Scholarships Insider’s Guide

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