Sports Scholarships An Insiders Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

The future is where you will spend the rest of your life. Do

you wish to be in control of your future so that you get from

it what you want and deserve? Is your answer yes? If it is, you

must grasp this fact: it is highly unlikely that you will get

what you want from the future unless you know what it is

that you want. Before reading another word, close the book

and take at least five minutes to consider what kind of future

you want for yourself.

The more specific you are as to what you want to own, what

experiences you would like to enjoy, what accomplishments

you wish to achieve, what career and/or occupational goals

you have, the more valuable this imaging activity is. As you

discover each element, item, or aspect of your desired future,

write it down. Do that now.

chapter 3

Preparing for College

and the Future

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