Sports Scholarships An Insiders Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Preparing for College and the Future 27

If you haven’t done the imag-

ing activity, demonstrate some disci-

pline, go back, and do it now.

You have one more activity to

accomplish before we move on to the

issue that caused you to purchase this

book. You have identified the funda-

mental elements of a future you wish

for yourself. For each element, you

must identify in writing what you

know you must achieve, acquire, and

do and are prepared to do, acquire,

and achieve to secure the future you have described.

Review the elements of your desired future. Now focus on

the goal of becoming successfully recruited. You are about to

begin the process of turning this most important goal from a

fantasy—a dream—into reality.

Complete the following steps:

  1. State your exact goal. (State your goal clearly and pre-
    cisely. Do this in order to visualize your exact goal.)

  2. State the date. (Indicate the future date by which the goal
    will be accomplished. Use the month and year. Specifically



Tr u T h Is

If you don’t know

where you’re

going, you’ll

probably end up

somewhere else.

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