Sports Scholarships An Insiders Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
targeting the exact date for the accomplishment of your
goal helps you avoid procrastination.)

  1. Determine what you will
    sacrifice. (What will you per-
    sonally sacrifice to achieve your
    Be sure you understand what it is
    that must be sacrificed and what you
    will sacrifice. If what you intend to
    sacrifice is less than what you know
    is required to achieve your goal, it is
    highly unlikely you will achieve it.)

  2. State your plan of action. (The great Olympic
    sprinter, Michael Johnson, tells of his father always ask-
    ing him, “How do you plan to do that?” whenever he
    told his dad that he wanted to get something or achieve
    something important. He credits the discipline of plan-
    ning as essential to his determination to sacrifice as he
    prepared for achieving Olympic immortality.)

28 The Sports Scholarships Insider’s Guide



Tr u T h Is

There is no


goal that can be

achieved without

effort, discipline,

and sacrifice.

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