Sports Scholarships An Insiders Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

To be successfully recruited you must create maximum expo-

sure for yourself and your ability. You must make yourself

known to the greatest number of coaches that might be inter-

ested in recruiting you as possible. You need a device that cre-

ates specific, usable information for a coach to evaluate you

and you need that device in the hands of at least 50 coaches; I

urge you to place that device in the hands of 100 coaches. The

most useful exposure device is the personal profile.

A profile is a structured compiling of data about you and your

athletic and academic record of accomplishments. It is orga-

nized in an arrangement that allows an interested coach the

opportunity to quickly evaluate your potential to contribute to

the coach’s athletic program. A properly created profile can gen-

erate tremendous interest in you as a prospect. As you will learn,

a thoughtful, well-designed profile will create many benefits for

you. A sloppy profile filled with hot air and information that is

useless to recruiters or coaches will be promptly discarded.

The guiding principle to building an effective profile is

simple to understand, yet often difficult to execute. You must

be truthful!

You and your parents have a lot at stake concerning your

college education. The emotional intensity generated by the

chapter 6


the Profile

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