Sports Scholarships An Insiders Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

You will have opportunities to meet and communicate with

those who can help you realize your goal of being successfully

recruited: college coaches. You must present yourself so that a

coach will not only be interested in your abilities as an athlete,

but your character as a mature person.

Below are important factors for a good presentation:

  1. Confidence. Have confidence in the skills and abilities

you have developed in your sport. Present those skills and

abilities demonstrating your confidence that they are equal to

the task of positively contributing to the team’s success.

  1. Respect. Demonstrate your respect for the coach/recruiter

and the institution he/she represents. Few things destroy a pros-

pect’s chances to be offered an athletic tender or a financial aid

award letter more quickly than a prospect who appears verbally

or mentally undisciplined. These prospects are regarded as not

coachable. The consequences are obvious.

  1. humility. You must be proud of your accomplishments

and achievements; you have worked hard and persistently to

reach the level of skill you have achieved. While many people

are ignorant of the price you have paid, you and the recruiter

know that the level of ability you possess is no accident.

Remember, the recruiter knows, so there’s no need to brag—

demonstrate humble pride.

chapter 7

The Cover Letter

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