Sports Scholarships An Insiders Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

The Cover Letter 61

May 28, 2011

Mr. Clyde Wienerschnots
Head Track Coach
Vogelheimer University
6676 West Benchbottom Street
Athletica, NH 04111

Dear Coach Wienerschnots,

I would like to introduce myself to you. I am currently a junior
sprinter and long jumper at Einars High School. I have spoken to a
number of coaches and other qualified people concerning the Laser
Track Program. They all say it’s a good track program.

Last year I qualified for the state meet in each event. While I didn’t
make it to finals, I have already improved on the performances this
season. I am determined to win state meet medals in June. My personal
best in the 100 meters is 10.64 achieved at the Spring Valley Invita-
tional. My 200 meters personal best is 22.12, achieved during a home
dual meet on May 4, 2010. I jumped 22’ 9” at the Porker Relays. I expect
my performances to continue to improve.

I scored a 23 on the ACT, have a 2.9 GPA in 13 NCAA core courses,
I’m enrolled in three more this year, I have a 3.1 cumulative GPA, and
I rank 61 in a class of 233. I plan to take the ACT again.

I believe my performance and my continued development demon-
strate that I could contribute to your program. I would like to continue
my track career at Vogelheimer, as well as pursue my educational and
career goals.

I have enclosed my profile and results of some of my recent com-
petitions. I’ve also included next season’s meet schedule so that you
can evaluate me, if time permits. Please send me whatever materials
are required for me to be further considered as a prospect for Laser
Track and Field.

My home phone number is (502) 555-2573. I should be available
on weekdays after 6:00 p.m. My coach, Bobo Otendoten, invites you
to call him at school (502) 555-2200. I look forward to hearing from
you in the near future.


Horace T. Bunkerschnives


Sample Cover Letter

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