Sports Scholarships An Insiders Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Where should I send my credentials? Before you can answer

this question, you must ask and answer a few preliminary

planning questions:

  1. Am I willing to attend a college

far from home or am I willing
only to attend local or regional
institutions? And are my par-
ents/guardians willing to let me
attend a college far from home
or would they prefer me to stay
close to home?

  1. Do I want to attend small/large or

public/private schools?

  1. At what level of competition do

I realistically believe I can suc-
cessfully compete? (Division I,
II, III, NAIA I, II, or 2-year junior

  1. Is my choice of a major course

of study more important than
where I compete?

chapter 9

Sending Credentials



Tr uT h Is

If you are a

senior currently

competing in your

sport season and

you haven’t been

recruited by

Division I schools,

it is highly unlikely

that you will be

offered an athletic

scholarship by a

Division I coach.

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