Sports Scholarships An Insiders Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

The confluence of two seemingly unconnected and important

aspects of collegiate culture combine to create an interesting

phenomenon: the distribution of financial aid for athletic abil-

ity by a huge majority of America’s colleges. Soon after athletic

competitions between schools began, it became clear that the

student bodies of the schools took the contests quite seriously

and they preferred winning as opposed to losing, no matter

how much sportsmanship the athletes on the fields of competi-

tion exhibited. And they didn’t want to win occasionally; they

wanted victories on a consistent basis. The winning formula

became obvious: when your team has better players, your team

dramatically increases its chances to win these important con-

tests. The obvious question followed, “How can the best players

on the field wear our school’s colors?” Athletic Scholarships

(having little to do with scholarship) were created and the rest

is Recruiting History.

Is your dream to exploit this situation so you can continue

your athletic career and simultaneously have your athletic abil-

ity be rewarded with a reduced financial burden while compet-

ing and earning your college education? Is that why you are

here, to leverage your athletic ability to create educational and


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