Sports Scholarships An Insiders Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Critical Documents 79

you should receive. Like all other requests for documents
from a college, complete it and send it immediately.

  1. Student Aid Report (SAR).

This report is generated by
the Department of Education’s
computers. The SAR is based on
the information you provide
on the FAFSA. Your parent(s) or
guardian(s) will receive a copy
of this report. A number of
the colleges you are interested
in will receive a copy of the
SAR. You will have directed, by
naming them in section G of
the FAFSA, which colleges will
receive a copy of the SAR on
the FAFSA form completed by
you and your parent(s). When
you receive your SAR, examine
it—there may be mistakes on
it that could cost you plenty. Also, call immediately to
request another free copy of the SAR at (319) 337-5665.
You will discover a number called the Expected Fam-
ily Contribution or EFC. The college’s financial aid office
will calculate (Federal Methodology) the federal and state
financial aid available to you from the EFC# and other
information found in the SAR.

  1. high-school transcript. The process of sending your tran-

script to a college and the NCAA Eligibility Center is the
responsibility of your high-school guidance counselor.
Even if you haven’t finished high school, you should

Student Aid Report (SAR)
To Do List

  • Keep your copy in a place
    where it will remain neat
    and clean. You may have
    to make a number of pho-
    tocopies of the SAR.

  • Take an SAR with you on
    each visit you make to a
    college, even if you think
    the college has already
    received a copy.

  • Give a copy of your SAR
    to any coach/recruiter or
    admissions counselor who
    visits you at school or at
    your home.

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