Sports Scholarships An Insiders Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

other amazing opportunities for your future? If so, you’ve come

to the right place.

This book is designed to help your son or daughter become

a successfully recruited high-school student athlete. It is con-

structed to provide you with the tools, devices, and strategies

to give you the best opportunity to continue an athletic career

in college and to receive financial aid based upon your athletic

ability. For the purposes of this book, the term financial aid

will include scholarships, grants, low-interest loans, or any

combination of the above. In short, The Sports Scholarships

Insider’s Guide is intended to give you an advantage over other

equally qualified student athletes who dream your educa-

tional, athletic, and financial aid dream.

I am uniquely qualified to lead you through the tangled

web of recruiting confusion, duplicity, and unfairness. For

twelve years I coached at a NCAA member university. One

of the primary responsibilities in my position was recruiting

high-school student athletes.

I coached at three high schools in two Midwestern states over

a fourteen-year period. Much of this time was spent working

with college recruiters, as well as the parents and prospects of

those who were being recruited. I have two grown children who

were both successfully recruited: one by a Division I state uni-

versity and the other by a private Division III college. One was

an All-American and the other’s career was cut short by injury.

I empathize with the positions that all the parties involved

find themselves in. I know intimately what each one is going

through during all phases of the recruiting process, especially

the crucial and fragile negotiating prior to an offer of athletic

or other financial aid and a roster position. I owned a col-

lege prospect recruiting service. My clients were academically

2 The Sports Scholarships Insider’s Guide

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