Sports Scholarships An Insiders Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

If a college coach/recruiter that you are interested in calls or

sends you an email, you should immediately write or email

a short letter thanking him/her for “your interest in me as

a recruit for your program.” Tell him/her of your interest in

both the college and the athletic program. If there is addi-

tional information (awards won, recent performances, etc.)

about yourself you want to share, do it at this time. This

is also a good time to include your upcoming competition

schedule. Be prepared with some questions, too. Some of the

questions located in the chapter “The Visit” can be asked over

the phone. Another source of good questions is the NAIA’s

Guide for the College-Bound Athlete. A coach to whom you sent

nothing might contact you. Don’t be shocked; word of good

prospects can travel quickly.

As indicated previously, you may receive more than one

phone call or email from the same person or other people

related to a program. This is no accident. Additional calls or

emails are very good signals, but you haven’t been recruited

yet. You must continue to do your part. After a few contacts by

the coach/recruiter, you will detect a pattern of questions that

indicate an increasing level of interest and/or concerns:

chapter 12



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