Sports Scholarships An Insiders Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  • Asking for videotape of last game or performance.

  • Asking for your coach’s home phone number.

  • Asking if you plan to retake the ACT/SAT.

  • Asking if you have applied for admission.

  • Asking if you have sent transcripts and ACT/SAT scores to

  • Asking about recent injury.

  • Asking if you’d be willing to change playing positions in

  • Asking you to send an SAR to him/her.

  • Asking if they may visit you at home.

  • Asking you to visit their institution.

  • Asking if you would be willing to walk on.

  • Asking if you would commit to their program if you get a
    partial scholarship.

  • Asking how much financial aid it will take for you
    to enroll.
    Try to anticipate questions. Write down what you feel are the

kind of answers you want to give and practice them—out loud.

As the recruiting season progresses, you’ll discover that the

questions will begin to change. Some coaches will stop calling

or returning your calls or emails (in this case, you’ve probably

been strung along). Others may begin sending you handwritten

notes or emails (a very positive sign). By following the sugges-

tions in the “Organize” section, you will be prepared for the

changes and be ready to answer critical questions.

Communications That You Initiate

Some Internet-savvy and enterprising prospects have actually

created their own recruiting websites. If you own the capabil-

ity to create this valuable tool, I urge you to make one and get

86 The Sports Scholarships Insider’s Guide

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