Sports Scholarships An Insiders Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Communication Activities 87

it on the Internet. You’ll find many outstanding examples on

YouTube and Facebook. If you don’t currently have website

capability—get it! Whenever you are cited in the newspaper or

other media, enter it on your website or send another note to

the coach (“Coach, I thought you might be interested in this

article,” etc.) that includes a photocopy (or referencing that

he/she should visit your profile or website and add it to your

personal information) of the article that presents you favor-

ably. Or send it as an email attachment.

Be certain to have an answering device on your telephone.

If you aren’t home when a coach calls, it is wise to return the

coach’s call as soon as possible. You may telephone (at your

expense) and email a college coach as often as you wish. Keep

communicating. A coach may conclude that you’ve lost inter-

est if he/she doesn’t hear from you. You may visit a college

campus (unofficial visit) as often as you wish. However, you

must avoid creating the impression that you can be recruited

with little or no financial aid or that you will accept loan-type

aid only or that the financial aid office can GAP you (offer

you less financial aid than your certified need as indicated by

the Estimated Family Contribution # on the SAR Student Aid

Report). You should never pay more than EFC# amount.

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