Sports Scholarships An Insiders Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

If a coach is really serious about recruiting you, he/she will ask

to make a home visit or ask you to visit the campus. Once, the

parent of a prospect on my recruiting service asked me this

question: “Is there any way to cut to the chase and eliminate

all this foolishness?” I didn’t know the answer then, but I know

it now. The answer is: ask the coach, “Are you going to make

a home visit?” or, “Are you going to ask my kid to come to

your school for an official visit?” The answer to these questions

slashes through all the “foolishness” and provides profound

insight into the honest interest of a coach in a prospect. I now

refer to these questions as the “killer questions.” Always ask if

they will be “handling” (don’t say “paying”) the expenses for

the visit. Remember, there are certain restrictions concerning

official—that is to say, paid—visits. Refer to your NCAA Guide

for the College-Bound Student-Athlete.

Remember, you can make as many unofficial visits to a cam-

pus as you wish. That means you handle (pay) your expenses.

Be sure you contact the coach; tell the coach of your plans to

visit the college and that you’d like to meet the coach while

you’re there. Often the coach will arrange for you to be escorted

by a team member. If you’re visiting on a game day, the coach

may even reserve some tickets for you. In football some coaches

even offer to let you attend the games on the sidelines. If the

chapter 13

The Visit

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