Sports Scholarships An Insiders Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

The Visit 91

you now know, the coach is almost surely recruiting more than

one prospect for any one position. You should be aware that it

is highly unlikely that the coach will successfully recruit each

prospect that is his/her first choice for a position or event. In

order to protect themselves, most coaches have back-up recruit

lists. These lists are usually referred to as “depth charts.”

The problem you are likely to encounter is that you may be

a back-up recruit, one that is low on the depth chart, and never

know it. You may very well experience the same kind of recep-

tion and may be told the same things as the recruit who is #1 on

the coach’s depth chart. This is known as being strung along.

At a recent Ultimate Recruiting Seminar designed for college

coaches and recruiters, the following suggestion was part of the

seminar content: “For every scholarship you have, you should

be recruiting four prospective student athletes.” In other words,

effective recruiting requires that the recruiter/coach string along

three prospects. This is the harsh reality. To ignore this reality is

championship stupid. You are entering a high stakes contest where

only the opposition knows the rules.

That’s why it is so important for you to never, never ever place

your college future in one coach or college. You must have some

options available to you until you receive the “letter of intent”

from the college. Coaches are shopping for prospects and keep-

ing their options (their rules) open; so you must shop for coaches

and programs keeping your options open, too. Remember, the

recruiting process is often a numbers game—you must play the

game, too. Overwhelm the odds with massive numbers. College

coaches commonly have five hundred or more potential recruits

on their initial mailing lists.

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