
(Rick Simeone) #1






WHETHER ANIMAL, vegetable, mineral or machine,

everything experiences stress — broadly defined as

challenges to equilibrium, a balanced state of being.

Under pressure, pushing down

on me, pushing down on you.


In biology, stress is the body’s response to perceived

threats to our physical or mental well-being. Moderate

amounts are healthy and normal. But too much — or

too little — causes problems. Chronic stress is linked to

cardiovascular disease, anxiety and depression. Stress

associated with extreme events such as combat can lead

to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Symptoms of

PTSD, which affects over 7 million Americans, include

flashbacks and hypervigilance long after a trauma.

Meanwhile, recent studies show that people who

underreact to stress are more likely to have impulsive

behavior and substance addiction.

The Human

Stress Story

The Adaptive Stress Response

A 1936 Nature paper launched the field of stress

research. In the study, physician Hans Seyle —

later called the father of stress — subjected rats to

cold, drugs, excessive exercise and other assaults.

Whatever the stimuli, the rats exhibited similar

physiological effects.

Now understood as the stress response,

this set of bodily changes is an adaptation that

allows animals to focus their energy on survival

and forgo other matters such as growth or

reproduction. It’s initiated when the brain detects

a potential threat and launches a cascade of

hormones, including adrenaline and cortisol,

that affects the endocrine, nervous and immune

One stream of hormones, called the

sympathomedullary (SAM) pathway, triggers

the fight-or-flight response, characterized by

upticks in heart rate, breathing and blood sugar

levels. Another pathway, the hypothalamic

pituitary adrenal (HPA) axis, keeps the body

on high alert by tapping glucose reserves and

dialing back nonessential functions.

How to Cope

There are a lot of coping strategies

that relieve negative feelings

associated with stress. Some — such

as meditation, journaling, therapy

and medication — are recommended;

others — denial, overeating, alcohol

— are not. Alternatively, some

strategies remove the stressor.

For instance, a couple in a toxic

relationship may sever ties, or

someone overwhelmed by to-dos

could improve time management

skills. The best approach depends on

the person and their circumstances.

For healthy individuals with

everyday challenges, simple changes

can help. Nearly 30 studies with a

total of more than 2,500 participants

found stress and anxiety were

reduced thanks to mindfulness

programs that taught people to live

in the present, without judgment.

Similarly, a 2017 review of 42 studies

in Psychoneuroendocrinology

concluded that yoga improves

measures of a healthy stress

response, including blood pressure,

resting heart rate and cortisol levels.

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