Grade 1 - Animals and Habitats

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

80 Animals and Habitats: Supplemental Guide 4A | Animals of the East African Savanna Habitat

  1. Evaluative How is the savanna the same and/or different from
    the Arctic tundra? [Read and refer to the parts of the chart you
    completed in the beginning of this lesson as an aid to student
    recall.] (Answers may vary.)

  2. Evaluative How is the savanna the same and/or different
    from the desert? [Read and refer to the parts of the chart you
    completed in the beginning of this lesson as an aid to student
    recall.] (Answers may vary.)

  3. Inferential What are some of the plants that live in the savanna?
    (grass, acacia tree) Both the grasses of the savannas and the
    acacia trees have deep root systems. How do these deep roots
    helps these plants survive in the savannas? (During the hot and
    dry summer season, when there is very little rain, the roots of
    these plants can reach far underground where the soil is wetter
    and dries out less quickly.)

  4. Inferential How would you categorize the following animals:
    giraffes, elephants, and zebras? (herbivores)
     Show image 4A-11: Zebra

  5. Inferential What animal is this? (zebra) How are zebras
    adapted to living on the savanna? (stripes that camoufl age,
    long legs for running fast from predators)
     Show image 4A-12: Elephant

  6. Inferential What animal is this? (elephant) How are elephants
    adapted to living on the savanna? (thick skin protects from
    sun and heat, fl ap ears as fans)
     Show image 4A-9: Giraffe

  7. Inferential What animal is this? (giraffe) How are giraffes
    adapted to living in the savanna? (long necks; long, tough
    tongues; long legs)
     Show image 4A-10: Oxpecker on giraffe

  8. Inferential How do the oxpecker and the giraffe coexist? (The
    oxpecker eats the bugs that irritate the giraffe. The giraffe
    provides food and protection for the oxpecker.)
    [Please continue to model the Think Pair Share process for students,
    as necessary, and scaffold students in their use of the process.]

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