Grade 1 - Animals and Habitats

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Animals and Habitats: Supplemental Guide 5 | Animals of the Temperate Deciduous Forest Habitat 89

Core Vocabulary
climate, n. What the weather is like in an area
Example: The climate in the desert is very dry and hot.
Variation(s): climates
hibernate, v. To sleep for a long time during the winter season
Example: Black bears go into their caves and hibernate in the winter.
Variation(s): hibernates, hibernated, hibernating
species, n. A group of animals or plants that are alike and have similar
characteristics or features
Example: There can be many species of the same kind of animal; for
example, there are about seventy species of whales.
Variation(s): none
store, v. To save and put something away to be used later
Example: Squirrels store acorns in their nest to prepare for the winter.
Variation(s): stores, stored, storing
temperate, adj. Not extremely hot or cold; a “middle” temperature
Example: Many places in the United States have a temperate climate.
Variation(s): none
territory, n. A space or an area that an animal thinks is its own and will not
allow others to enter into
Example: My dog protects its territory by barking at other dogs that
come near it.
Variation(s): territories
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