Grade 1 - Animals and Habitats

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Animals and Habitats: Supplemental Guide 5A | Animals of the Temperate Deciduous Forest Habitat 93

Note: Introducing the Read-Aloud may have activity options that
exceed the time allocated for this part of the lesson. To remain
within the time periods allocated for this portion of the lesson,
you will need to make conscious choices about which activities to
include based on the needs of your students.

Introducing the Read-Aloud 10 minutes

What Do We Know? 5 minutes
Ask students what they know about forests. You may prompt
discussion with the following questions:

  • What is a forest? (You may need to explain that a forest is a
    large area of trees.)

  • Have you ever seen or been in a forest? If so, where?

  • What things are found in a forest?

  • Are all forests the same, or are there different kinds of forests?

Where Are We? 5 minutes
Tell students that not all forests are the same. Share that the forest
they are going to learn about today is a temperate deciduous
 Show image 5A-1: Map of the world with temperate deciduous forests
around the world highlighted
Point to the highlighted portions of the map. Explain to students
that all of these highlighted areas have temperate deciduous
forests and that these kinds of forests exist all around the world.
Tell students that they are going to hear about a temperate
deciduous forest today in the United States, one that is part of the
states of Tennessee and North Carolina.

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