Grade 1 - Animals and Habitats

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

140 Animals and Habitats: Supplemental Guide 7 | Animals of the Freshwater Habitat

Exercise Materials Details
Syntactic Awareness Activity:
Making a List Using the
Conjunction or

Images 7A-7, 7A-8, and 7A-11;
Large display with space for three
words and the conjunction or,
separated by two commas.
, , or
Vocabulary Instructional
Activity: Enormous

Image 7A-4; chart paper, green,
yellow, and red markers, tape,
index cards

Create a Horizontal Word Wall for

Habitat Journal: The
Freshwater Habitat

Instructional Master 7B-1, drawing

Advance Preparation
Find an age-appropriate short video about freshwater habitats
(e.g., rivers, lakes, ponds, streams, wetlands) to show to the class.
For Syntactic Awareness Activity, create a large display with space
for three words, the conjunction or, separated by two commas.
The display should look like the following:
, , or
For the Vocabulary Instructional Activity, create a Horizontal Word
Wall by drawing a horizontal line from left to right on a large piece
of chart paper. Write each of the following words on an individual
index card: (in green) tiny, mini, petite, wee, little, small; (in yellow)
medium, normal, average; (in red) enormous, gigantic, colossal,
giant, jumbo, large, big.
Make a copy of Instructional Master 7B-1 for each student. This
will be the freshwater habitat page in their Habitat Journals.
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