Grade 1 - Animals and Habitats

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

32 Animals and Habitats: Supplemental Guide 2 | Animals of the Arctic Habitat

 Prior to listening to “Animals of the Arctic Habitat,” orally identify
what they know and have learned about habitats
 Share writing with others

Core Vocabulary
adapted, v. Changed to fi t a special situation or environment
Example: Over the years, animals in the Arctic have adapted to the cold.
Variation(s): adapt, adapts, adapting
burrow, v. To dig a hole or tunnel
Example: Rabbits burrow underground to make their home.
Variation(s): burrows, burrowed, burrowing
exposed, v. Not covered; left unprotected
Example: Skin that is exposed to too much sunlight might get
Variation(s): expose, exposes, exposing
tundra, n. A treeless area of the Arctic
Example: Plants in the tundra do not grow very tall, because it is very
cold there.
Variations: none
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