Grade 1 - Animals and Habitats

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Animals and Habitats: Supplemental Guide 2A | Animals of the Arctic Habitat 37

  1. The Arctic tundra is a large, fl at area of land where the ground
    is always frozen and icy. There are no trees in the tundra.

  2. The ground of the Arctic tundra is always frozen.

  3. [Show additional images of the Arctic tundra.] Point to the
    frozen ground in this image. What do you think the weather is
    like in the tundra? Do you think the tundra is a good habitat
    for humans? Why or why not?
    Arctic Ocean

 Show image 2A-9: Rattenborough in the seascape

  1. In today’s lesson you will also hear about another habitat
    called the Arctic Ocean.

  2. Say Arctic Ocean with me three times.

  3. The Arctic Ocean is an ocean around the North Pole. [Point to
    the Arctic Ocean on a world map.]

  4. The water in the Arctic Ocean is so cold that only certain
    animals can survive in this habitat.

  5. [Show additional images of the Arctic Ocean.] With your
    partner, think of some animals that might live in or near the
    Arctic Ocean.

Purpose for Listening
Explain to students that today they will hear about some plants
and animals that live in the Arctic region, both on land and in the
water. Tell students to listen carefully to fi nd out which plants and
animals live in the Arctic tundra and in the Arctic Ocean and how
they survive.
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