Grade 1 - Animals and Habitats

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

40 Animals and Habitats: Supplemental Guide 2A | Animals of the Arctic Habitat

 Show image 2A-8: Arctic hare
The Arctic hare’s white coat becomes much heavier in the
winter. Its ears are smaller than those of other hares, meaning
less of its body is exposed to the cold.^6 In other words, this is
no place for critters with long dangly ears, unless they have long
dangly earmuffs to keep those ears from freezing! The hare’s white
coloring also helps it hide in the snow, and its back feet are wide
and large, like small snowshoes, so it can run fast in the snow.
 Show image 2A-9: Rattenborough in the seascape
There are other kinds of habitats in the Arctic besides the
tundra, and different kinds of plants and animals live in these other
habitats. The Arctic Ocean is a habitat rich in sea life and animals
that rely on the sea for their food. The water is so cold in the Arctic
Ocean that most living creatures would be able to stay alive only a
few minutes in it.
 Show image 2A-10: Walruses
Animals such as the walrus call the Arctic Ocean home. These
huge creatures just love the icy water and can swim around for a
long period of time!
Walruses have adapted to life in the Arctic Ocean by storing
blubber under their skin.^7 Blubber prevents heat from escaping
from their bodies. Walruses also have long teeth, called tusks,
which they use almost like arms to pull themselves up out of the
water and onto the ice.
 Show image 2A-11: Seals
Look at these cute animals. They are seals. Seals have blubber
under their skin, just like walruses. Some types of seals are born
covered with a layer of white fur to keep them warm until they
develop blubber.
Seals are incredible swimmers! Like fi sh and walruses, seals
don’t have arms and legs. Instead, seals have fl ippers, and they
swim by wiggling their bodies from side to side, using their fl ippers

7 Blubber is fat that some animals
have under their skin to stay warm.

6 When something is exposed, it
is out in the open, with nothing
covering it. In the Arctic, any part
of your body that is exposed would
be cold.

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