Grade 1 - Animals and Habitats

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

54 Animals and Habitats: Supplemental Guide 3A | Animals of the Sonoran Desert Habitat

the Arctic is wet and muddy in the summer, whereas the desert is
very dry and sandy.
Now ask students if they think the same animals that live in the
Arctic live in the desert. Why or why not? Then have students
predict how the animals that live in the desert might be different
from the animals that live in the Arctic.

Where Are We? 5 minutes
 Show image 3A-2: World map with the southwest of the United States and
the northwest of Mexico highlighted
Tell students that deserts are located in many different regions
of the world, but today they are going to hear about a particular
desert that is located in the northwestern part of Mexico and the
southwestern part of the United States—in parts of the states
of Arizona and California. (Point to this area on the map.) Tell
students that the particular desert located here is called the
Sonoran Desert.

Vocabulary Preview 5 minutes
Sonoran (suh-NOR-un) Desert
 Show image 3A-4: The Sonoran Desert

  1. In today’s lesson you will hear about a habitat called the
    Sonoran Desert.

  2. Say Sonoran Desert with me three times.

  3. The Sonoran Desert is a desert in the southwestern part of
    the United States. [Point to the southern part of California and
    Arizona on a U.S. map.]
    The temperature in the desert is hot. It does not rain much in
    the desert.

  4. The Sonoran Desert is home to the saguaro cactus. [Invite
    students to point to the cacti.]
    Animals that live in the Sonoran Desert must adapt to live in
    hot weather and survive with very little rain.

  5. [Show additional images of the Sonoran Desert.] Describe
    the Sonoran Desert to your partner. What do you think the

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