Grade 1 - Animals and Habitats

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

74 Animals and Habitats: Supplemental Guide 4A | Animals of the East African Savanna Habitat

Vocabulary Preview 5 minutes
 Show image 4A-4: African savanna grasses

  1. In today’s lesson you will hear about a habitat called the
    savanna or grassland.

  2. Say savanna with me three times.
    Say grassland with me three times.

  3. Look at this image, and tell your partner what you think the
    word grassland means. [Hint: The answer is in the word.]
    Grassland is land that is covered in wild grass. [You may wish
    to distinguish grassland from a soccer fi eld or grass fi eld at
    school. The wild grasses of the grassland were not planted
    but were there already. The area of grassland is much larger
    and vast than a soccer fi eld.]
    Savanna is another name for grassland. A savanna is a wide-
    open, vast stretch of grass-covered land that does not have
    many bushes or trees.

  4. The African savanna or grassland is a habitat for some of the
    most famous animals. Can you guess which ones? (giraffe,
    zebra, elephant, and lion)

  5. [Show additional images of the savanna.] Describe the
    savanna to your partner. What plants do you see? Which
    animals can you name?

Purpose for Listening
Tell students to listen to fi nd out how the East African Savanna
may be the same and/or different from the Arctic and the Sonoran
Desert habitats.
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