Grade 1 - Animals and Habitats

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Animals and Habitats: Supplemental Guide 4A | Animals of the East African Savanna Habitat 75

Presenting the Read-Aloud 15 minutes

Animals of the East African Savanna Habitat
 Show image 4A-2: Rattenborough in savanna
Rattenborough, your intrepid^1 adventurer here, to show you
something a little different. We’ve been talking about habitats—the
places where plants and animals live—and we’ve spent time in
three of the most extreme habitats in the world: the freezing Arctic
tundra, the Arctic Ocean, and the scorching Sonoran Desert. Now,
I’ve come to a habitat that should be of great interest to you.
Some of the most famous animals in the world live here.
 Show image 4A-3: African savanna^2
Welcome to the East African Savanna. Savanna is another name
for grassland, a wide-open, vast stretch of grass-covered land.
You know you’re in a grassland when there is a lot of grass around
you, but not many trees or bushes.
The East African Savanna has very warm weather all year
round. However, it only has two seasons: the rainy summer, and
the dry winter. The plants and animals that live here have had to
adapt to these two very different kinds of weather in the summer
and winter. Luckily, I brought my umbrella in case it starts to pour!
 Show image 4A-4: African savanna grasses
Boy, I can barely see a thing in all this grass—there’s so much
of it. As the name grassland suggests, grass is the most important
plant growing in the savannas. The grasses are very hardy, which
means they can survive the tough conditions of their habitat—long
spells of dry, hot weather as well as heavy rainfall and fl ooding.
The grass has adapted to these conditions by growing very deep
roots. Even if the grass above ground is destroyed, the roots
underground survive and the grass can grow back. This grass
grows very quickly—as much as an inch per day!^3 The grass in
your backyard might take a whole week to grow an inch.^4

2 What do you see in this image?

1 or fearless

3 [Show students an example of an

4 Which grows faster—the grass in
the savanna or the grass in your

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