Grade 2 Read-Aloud

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

106 Cycles in Nature: Supplemental Guide | Pausing Point

Class Book: Plant Life Cycle Encyclopedia
Materials: Drawing paper, drawing tools
Tell students they are going to make a class book to help them
remember what they have learned in this domain about the life
cycle of a fl owering plant and a tree.
Have students brainstorm names of fl owers and trees they would
like to learn more about. Assign a particular fl ower or tree to a
partner pair or small group, and give them a set of resources (e.g.,
trade books, websites, realia, picture-based reference books) to
research about its life cycle. Have students draw a picture of one
idea from their research, and ask them to write a caption for their
picture. Bind the pages to make a class book to put in the class
library for students to read again and again.

Riddles for Core Content
Ask students riddles such as the following to review core content:

  • I am a sequence of events that repeats over and over again in
    the same order. What am I called? (a cycle)

  • I am an imaginary central line running through the North and
    South Poles around which planet Earth rotates. What am I? (an

  • I am a word that describes the movement of the earth around
    the sun over the course of one year. Which word am I? (orbit or

  • I am a word that describes how the earth’s axis is on a slant or
    at an angle and am the reason we have a change in seasons.
    Which word am I? (tilt or tilted)

  • I am a word that describes what a seed does when it starts to
    grow. Which word am I? (germinates)

  • I am a young plant with a stem, roots, and leaves; I am grown
    from a seed. What am I? (a seedling)

  • I am a young tree that is taller than most of your parents or
    caregivers. What am I? (a sapling)

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