Grade 2 Read-Aloud

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Cycles in Nature: Supplemental Guide 7 | The Life Cycle of a Frog 125

 Lesson Objectives

Core Content Objectives
Students will:
 Explain that a cycle is a sequence of events that repeats itself
again and again
 Describe the seasonal cycle: spring, summer, autumn, winter
 Explain effects of seasonal changes on plants and animals
 Defi ne the term life cycle
 Identify the stages of the life cycle of a frog (egg to egg)
 Explain metamorphosis

Language Arts Objectives
The following language arts objectives are addressed in this
lesson. Objectives aligning with the Common Core State
Standards are noted with the corresponding standard in
parentheses. Refer to the Alignment Chart for additional standards
addressed in all lessons in this domain.
Students will:
 Identify the main topic of “The Life Cycle of a Frog” (RI.2.2)
 Write an informational paragraph explaining the stages of the life
cycle of a frog (W.2.2)
 With guidance and support from adults and peers, focus
on information presented in “The Life Cycle of a Frog” and
strengthen writing as needed by revising and editing (W.2.5)
 Ask and answer what questions orally to gather information or
deepen understanding of the information contained in “The Life
Cycle of a Frog” (SL.2.3)

TThe Life Cycle of a Froghe Life Cycle of a Frog


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