Grade 2 Read-Aloud

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

126 Cycles in Nature: Supplemental Guide 7 | The Life Cycle of a Frog

 Prior to listening to “The Life Cycle of a Frog,” identify orally
what they know and have learned about the life cycles of plants,
trees, and chickens
 Share writing with others

Core Vocabulary
amphibian, n. An animal that can live on both land and in water
Example: My pet frog is an amphibian, so I have water and land in his
Variation(s): amphibians
burrow, v. To make a hole or pathway underground or under something
Example: My dog loves to burrow under the blankets on my bed.
Variation(s): burrows, burrowed, burrowing
gills, n. The parts of an animal that allow it to breathe underwater
Example: The fi sh’s gills open to take in water.
Variation(s): gill
lungs, n. Organs used for breathing that remove carbon dioxide and add
oxygen to the blood
Example: Sometimes if you run too hard in the cold weather, it can
make your lungs hurt.
Variation(s): lung
metamorphosis, n. The process by which some young animals
completely change the way they look as they become adults
Example: After the young insect goes though its metamorphosis to
become an adult insect, it looks nothing like it once did.
Variation(s): metamorphoses
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