Grade 2 Read-Aloud

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Cycles in Nature: Supplemental Guide 8 | The Life Cycle of a Butterfl y 143

Note: Introducing the Read-Aloud and Extensions may have
activity options that exceed the time allocated for that part of
the lesson. To remain within the time periods allocated for each
portion of the lesson, you will need to make conscious choices
about which activities to include based on the needs of your

Exercise Materials Details

Introducing the Read-Aloud (10 minutes)

What Have We Already

Cycles Posters 2 and 3;
Cycles Poster 4 and 5

Emphasize that the life cycle of a plant
and tree is from seed to seed.
Emphasize that the life cycle of a chicken
and frog is from egg to egg.
Image Cards 10–16; Response
Cards 5 and 6

You may wish to create a Venn diagram
to compare and contrast the life cycles of
a chicken and frog.

Vocabular y Preview:

Image 8A-13; additional images of
butterfly metamorphosis

Purpose for Listening

Presenting the Read-Aloud (15 minutes)

The Life Cycle of a Butterfly U.S. map; ruler

Note: You may wish to conclude the
read-aloud with a short video clip that
shows the life cycle of a butterfly.

Discussing the Read-Aloud (15 minutes)

Comprehension Questions

Word Work: Transparent

 Complete Remainder of the Lesson Later in the Day
Extensions (20 minutes)

Multiple Meaning Word
Activity: Round

Poster 4M (Round)

Syntactic Awareness Activity:
Compound Words Review

words written on index cards;
samples of food-related
compound words

Vocabulary Instructional
Activity: Reveal

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