Grade 2 Read-Aloud

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

158 Cycles in Nature: Supplemental Guide 8B | The Life Cycle of a Butterfl y

  • Then—Tell about the third stage in the life cycle.
    Suggestions: Then, the caterpillar forms a pupa.

  • Finally—Tell about the fourth stage in the life cycle.
    Suggestions: Finally, a butterfly comes out.

  • Conclusion—This sentence finishes and wraps up the
    Suggestions: The adult butterfly lays eggs and the cycle
    starts over again.
    These are the four stages of the life cycle of a butterfly.

  • After modeling the planning step, have students write their
    sentences on Instructional Master 7B-3. Remind students to use
    capital letters at the beginning of their sentences and the correct
    punctuation at the end.

  • Allow students to share their paragraphs with their partner or
    with home-language peers.

  • If time allows, you may wish to have students complete the
    editing step of the writing process.

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