Grade 2 Read-Aloud

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Cycles in Nature: Supplemental Guide DR | Domain Review 177

 Identify the stages of the life cycle of a tree (seed to seed)
 Demonstrate familiarity with the poem “Bed in Summer”
 Demonstrate familiarity with the poem “Bee! I’m expecting you!”
 Identify the stages of the life cycle of a chicken (egg to egg)
 Identify the stages of the life cycle of a frog (egg to egg)
 Identify the stages of the life cycle of a butterfl y (egg to egg)
 Explain metamorphosis
 Defi ne the term water cycle
 Explain that there is a limited amount of water on Earth
 Describe evaporation and condensation
 Identify forms and importance of precipitation
 Describe the formation of clouds
 Identify three types of clouds: cirrus, cumulus, and stratus

Review Activities

Image Card Review
Materials: Image Cards 1–26
In your hand, hold Image Cards 1–26 fanned out like a deck of
cards. Ask each student to pick one card. (If you have more than
twenty-six students, you may need to pair up a few students.)
Ask students to work together to sort themselves into groups
according to the card they have and the cycle to which it belongs.
Then have each group explain their particular cycle to the class.

Life Story
Materials: Drawing paper, drawing tools
Have students pretend they are one of the creatures they heard
about from the previous read-alouds. Have each student write
their creature’s life story, being sure to include the stages of its life
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