Grade 2 Read-Aloud

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Cycles in Nature: Supplemental Guide DR | Domain Review 179

Compare/Contrast Venn Diagram
Materials: Chart paper, chalkboard, or whiteboard
Tell students that there are many things to compare and contrast
in the read-alouds they have heard. Remind students that compare
means to tell how things are similar, and contrast means to tell
how things are different. Have students choose a topic from the
following list to compare/contrast on a Venn diagram. You may do
this individually or as a class.

  • the seasons (two out of the four seasons)

  • the life cycle of a frog and a butterfl y

  • the three forms of water (two out of the three forms of water)

  • evaporation, condensation, and precipitation (two out of the

  • three types of clouds (two out of the three)
    You may wish to extend this activity by using the chart as a
    prewriting tool and have students write two paragraphs, one
    describing similarities and the other describing differences.

➶ Writing Prompts

Students may be given an additional writing prompt such as the

  • Tadpoles and adult frogs breathe in different ways because...

  • The changing seasons affect our lives because...

  • The shape of a cloud is important because...

  • I observe the water cycle when...

  • The most interesting thing I learned about cycles is...

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