Grade 2 Read-Aloud

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Cycles in Nature: Supplemental Guide DA | Domain Assessment 181

  1. Amphibian: An amphibian can only live in water, not on land.
    (frowning face)

  2. Metamorphosis: Butterfl ies go through metamorphosis when
    they change from caterpillar to butterfl y. (smiling face)

  3. Evaporation: Evaporation is when rain falls from the sky.
    (frowning face)
    Directions: Now I am going to read more sentences using other
    words you have heard and practiced. If I use the word correctly
    in my sentence, circle the smiling face. If I do not use the word
    correctly in my sentence, circle the frowning face. I will say each
    sentence two times.

  4. Protective: When something is protective, it is meant to keep
    you safe. (smiling face)

  5. Transparent: When something is see-through, it is
    transparent. (smiling face)

  6. Reveal: To reveal something means to hide it and keep it
    secret. (frowning face)

  7. Adapt: To adapt means to change in different situations.
    (smiling face)

  8. Transformation: To have a transformation means to stay the
    same. (frowning face)

Part II (Instructional Master DA-2)

Directions: Let’s identify the images in each row together
(sunfl ower, apple tree, chicken, frog, butterfl y). These images
represent the life cycle of these living things. I will read a sentence
about one or more of the life cycles you have learned about. Circle
the image or images of the life cycle I am describing.

  1. This life cycle is from seed to seed. (sunfl ower, apple tree)

  2. This life cycle is from egg to egg. (chicken, frog, butterfl y)

  3. The shedding of leaves is part of this life cycle. (apple tree)

  4. Germination is part of this life cycle. (sunfl ower, apple tree)

  5. Metamorphosis is part of this life cycle. (frog, butterfl y)

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