Grade 2 Read-Aloud

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

182 Cycles in Nature: Supplemental Guide DA | Domain Assessment

  1. Growing legs and lungs is part of this life cycle. (frog)

  2. Making a chrysalis or pupa is part of this life cycle. (butterfl y)

  3. Hatching from an egg that has a shell, yolk, and albumen is
    part of this life cycle. (chicken)

  4. Pollination is part of this life cycle. (sunfl ower, also accept
    apple tree)

  5. Adults laying eggs is part of this life cycle. (chicken, frog, also
    accept butterfl y)

Part III (Instructional Master DA-3)
Directions: I am going to read several sentences about the cycles
in nature you have recently learned about. If my sentence is
correct, circle the letter ‘T’ for true. If my sentence is not correct,
circle the ‘F’ for false. I will say each sentence two times.

  1. All living things go through the same life cycle. (F)

  2. Earth’s rotation around its axis causes day and night. (T)

  3. Earth’s revolution around the moon causes the seasons. (F)

  4. All animals migrate in the winter. (F)

  5. Many frogs burrow into the ground and spend the winter
    there. (T)

  6. Most of Earth’s surface is covered by water. (T)

  7. Water can be solid, liquid, or gas. (T)

  8. When it gets very cold, water will evaporate. (F)

  9. The three stages of the water cycle are evaporation,
    condensation, and precipitation. (T)

  10. The seasonal cycle is as follows: winter, summer, winter,
    summer. (F)

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