Grade 2 Read-Aloud

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

184 Cycles in Nature: Supplemental Guide CA | Culminating Activities

Exploring Student Resources
Materials: Domain-related student websites
Pick appropriate websites from the Internet for further exploration
of the life cycles of a chicken, frog, and butterfl y, and the water

Videos of Life Cycles
Materials: Videos of Life Cycles
Carefully peruse the Internet for short (5-minute), age-appropriate
videos related to the cycles your students have heard.
Prepare some questions related to the content presented in the
Discuss how watching a video is the same as and different from
listening to a storybook or read-aloud.
Have students ask and answer questions using question words
who, what, when, where, and why regarding what they see in the

Class Book: Animal Life Cycle Encyclopedia
Materials: Drawing paper, drawing tools
Tell students they are going to make a class book to help them
remember what they have learned in this domain about the life
cycles of different animals.
Have students brainstorm names of animals they would like to
learn more about. Assign a particular animal to a partner pair or
small group, and give them a set of resources (e.g., trade books,
websites, realia, picture-based reference books) to research about
its life cycle. Have students draw a picture of one idea from their
research, and ask them to write a caption for their picture. Bind
the pages to make a class book to put in the class library for
students to read again and again.
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