Cycles in Nature: Supplemental Guide 1 | The Cycle of Daytime and Nighttime 17
Note: Introducing the Read-Aloud and Extensions may have
activity options that exceed the time allocated for that part of
the lesson. To remain within the time periods allocated for each
portion of the lesson, you will need to make conscious choices
about which activities to include based on the needs of your
Exercise Materials Details
Introducing the Read-Aloud (10 minutes)
Domain Introduction large monthly calendar; school’s
calendar of events
Use the large monthly calendar to show
students the cycle of the days of the
week and the cycle of the months of the
You may also wish to point out the
cycle of events in a school year (e.g.,
back to school, Thanksgiving break,
winter holiday, New Year’s, spring break,
Memorial Day, summer break, back to
school.. .)
Essential Background
Information or Terms
What Do We Know? chart paper to make Daytime/
Nighttime T-Chart
Write down student responses on a
T-Chart; refer to the T-Chart during the
Vocabulary Preview: Axis,
Images 1A-3 and 1A-4
Purpose for Listening
Presenting the Read-Aloud (15 minutes)
The Cycle of Daytime and
Daytime/Nighttime T-Chart; globe
Discussing the Read-Aloud (15 minutes)
Comprehension Questions
Word Work: Thrive
Complete Remainder of the Lesson Later in the Day
Extensions (20 minutes)
Syntactic Awareness Activity:
Compound Words Using time
index cards: one per student