32 Cycles in Nature: Supplemental Guide 2 | The Reasons for Seasons
With assistance, create and interpret a chart on characteristics
of seasons, and connect it to information learned in “The
Reasons for Seasons” (RI.2.7)
Prior to listening to “The Reasons for Seasons,” identify orally
what they know and have learned about the rotation of the earth
Discuss personal responses to seasonal activities they
participate in, and connect those to the seasons
Core Vocabulary
equator, n. An imaginary line that divides Earth in half between the North
Pole and South Pole
Example: The United States is north of the equator.
Variation(s): none
hemisphere, n. One half of Earth as divided, for example, north and south
by the equator
Example: We live in the Northern Hemisphere because we are north of
the equator.
Variation(s): hemispheres
revolves, v. Moves in a circular path around an object
Example: Earth revolves around the sun.
Variation(s): revolve, revolved, revolving
tilt, v. To slant
Example: Jonah had to tilt the cookie jar to reach the crumbs at the
Variation(s): tilts, tilted, tilting