Cycles in Nature: Supplemental Guide | Preface v
This preface to the Transition Supplemental Guide provides information
about the guide’s purpose and target audience, and describes how it can
be used flexibly in various classroom settings.
Please note: The Supplemental Guides for the first three domains in
Grade 2 contain modified read-alouds and significantly restructured
lessons with regard to pacing and activities. These early Supplemental
Guides provided step-by-step, scaffolded instruction with the intention
that students receiving instruction from teachers using the Supplemental
Guide for the first part of the year would be ready to participate in regular
Listening & Learning lessons, and that teachers who have used the
Supplemental Guide for the first part of the year would be equipped with
the instructional strategies to scaffold the lessons when necessary. This
shift from the full Supplemental Guide to the Transition Supplemental
Guide affords teachers more autonomy and greater responsibility to
adjust their execution of the lessons according to the needs of their
classes and individual students.
Transition Supplemental Guides for the remaining domains will still contain
Vocabulary Charts and Supplemental Guide activities such as Multiple
Meaning Word Activities, Syntactic Awareness Activities, and Vocabulary
Instructional Activities. However, the Transition Supplemental Guides do
not have rewritten read-alouds and do not adjust the pacing of instruction;
the pacing and read-aloud text included in each Transition Supplemental
Guide is identical to the pacing and read-aloud text in the corresponding
Tell It Again! Read-Aloud Anthology. We have, however, augmented the
introductions and extensions of each lesson in the Transition Supplemental
Guides so teachers have additional resources for students who need
greater English language support. As a result, there are often more activities
suggested than can be completed in the allotted time for the introduction
or extension activities. Teachers will need to make informed and conscious
decisions in light of their particular students’ needs when choosing which
activities to complete and which to omit. We strongly recommend that
teachers preview the Domain Assessment prior to teaching this domain;
this will provide an additional way to inform their activity choices.
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TTransition Supplemental Guideransition Supplemental Guide