Fairy Tales and Tall Tales: Supplemental Guide 4A | Beauty and the Beast, Part II 93
there are magical events (the birds singing Beauty’s favorite songs; the
beast coming back to life, the beast turning into a prince); and it ends
with “happily ever after.”
- Evaluative What happens in this story that could not happen in real
life?- The birds singing Beauty’s favorite songs; Beauty all of a sudden back
at home; Beauty saying to the locket, “I wish to go back to the beast”
and then all of a sudden being taken back to the palace; Beauty’s tears
bringing the beast back to life; and the beast turning into a prince could
not happen in real life.
- The birds singing Beauty’s favorite songs; Beauty all of a sudden back
- Literal How come Beauty could go back to see her father?
- Beauty could go back to see her father because the beast did not like to
see her sad, and she promised to go back to the beast in one month and
stay with him forever.
- Beauty could go back to see her father because the beast did not like to
- Literal Does Beauty go back to the beast after one month?
- No, she does not go back to the beast after one month.
What causes Beauty to decide to return to the beast? - Beauty decides to return to the beast after she has a dream that he is
sick, and she realizes that she cares about him.
- No, she does not go back to the beast after one month.
- Evaluative What do you think of the beast after hearing about him in
this second part of the story?- Answers may vary, but should hint that he is kind, well-mannered, and
[Please continue to model the Think Pair Share process for students, as
necessary, and scaffold students in their use of the process.]
I am going to ask you a question. I will give you a minute to think about
the question, and then I will ask you to turn to your partner and discuss
the question. Finally, I will call on several of you to share what you
discussed with your partner.
- Answers may vary, but should hint that he is kind, well-mannered, and
Sentence Frames:
Was Beauty deceived, or tricked,
by the beast’s appearance? (Yes/
I learned that...
The lesson we can learn from this
story is...
- Evaluative Think Pair Share: What do you think is a lesson we can
learn from this story? [You may wish to write some students’ answers
in the “themes” section of the Elements of Stories chart.] - After hearing today’s read-aloud and questions and answers, do
you have any remaining questions? [If time permits, you may wish to
allow for individual, group, or class research of the text and/or other
resources to answer these questions.]